ESID Grand Rounds
The ‘ESID Grand Rounds’ are a monthly webinar series aimed to promote practical discussion about difficult clinical problems that we all face in managing PID.
Much like hospital grand rounds, seminars take the format of case presentations followed by a panel discussion about diagnosis and management. The goal of the Rounds is to provide practical expert advice that will be of benefit to clinicians caring for patients with PID. Running since 2021, the Grand Round series attracts a large international audience.
Process for Grand Round organisation:
A rolling program of topics for Grand Rounds is co-ordinated by the ESID Clinical Working Party (CWP) Steering Groups. A Chair is invited by the CWP to put together an expert panel and program for each Grand Round.
Planning Grand Rounds for the future:
We would appreciate your feedback so that we can ensure that this is a useful forum for your professional development.
If you have suggestions for future topics please contact the chair of the CWP, Prof. Siobhán Burns, ESID CWP chair at [email protected].
Siobhán Burns
On behalf of the ESID CWP and ESID Board.
Have you missed one of the previous Ground Rounds?
Watch it now on the ESID YouTube channel
Please find below the provisional program and we invite you to check back to this page to see further updates:
ESID Grand Rounds 30: APECED
Description: Welcome to the December 2024 session of the ESID Grand Rounds!
ESID Grand Rounds 29: Monogenic atopic disorders
Description: Welcome to the November 2024 session of the ESID Grand Rounds!
This session will be moderated by Dr Anna Sediva.