by Eleonora Gambineri
Great news on the Educational front!
Work is in progress and new activities are upcoming with the new season!
Let me briefly explain…first of all we decided to implement the web platform with a dedicated e-learning program.
This will include webcasting of the main talks during the next ESID conference and summer schools as well as interactive clinical cases on the web providing also CME accreditation.
We will launch the new web platform in Barcelona!
Moreover we will run from 2017 yearly Summer School to give more opportunities participate! Read more
And don’t forget our ESID Short-term and Medium-term fellowships (Deadline: June 30, 2016)- Read more
I am very excited and enthusiastic to see how our educational working party is evolving and is vibrating with new inputs!
Looking forward to introduce everything soon to all the ESID community!
Eleonora Gambineri
Education Working Party chairperson