Become the speaker at the next ESID Juniors Journal Club or Clinical Case presentations!
Dear ESID juniors,
We are very happy to announce that a new season of our monthly ESID Juniors Journal Clubs and Clinical Case presentations is starting in September-October 2023. We are looking for speakers, and this is your occasion to present an interesting clinical case or promote your research.
What is NEW in the next round? First, the stage is now yours!
Democracy is one of the greatest goods, that’s why we will apply a democratic selection process to select the next presenters. No matter where you work, if you have an interesting case to discuss with a larger audience or if you want to present your latest research work, you can apply to be the next speaker at the upcoming ESID Juniors activities. We will try to accommodate all submitted presentations, but if the applicants are much more than the spots available, we will need to select the best cases and papers to be presented.
Why would you apply to be the next speaker?
- Large audience from Europe and the rest of the world
- You will add visibility to your recent work and publications and discuss new ideas with the participants.
- You get an official certificate for being a speaker at the ESID Juniors Journal Club or Clinical Case presentations.
How to apply?
To apply, you need to be an ESID Junior member. You can forward this invitation to other Juniors, but they will need to join ESID before applying.
Please, download the application form and send it before the deadline to: [email protected] .
Applications deadline: July 1st, 2023, at noon CEST.
Are non-Junior ESID members invited to join the sessions?
Yes! Although the presenter and moderator will be exclusively ESID Juniors, they might get help from their senior colleagues and mentors for preparation, moderation and discussion. This means also that you are cordially invited to involve your senior colleagues to join the sessions.
Are you already excited?
If you are still undecided or have remaining questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected] .
The ESID Juniors JC/CC Organizing committee.
Please, note that the call for presenters is now closed.