by Nizar Mahlaoui
Dear all,
The ESID registry is one of the major component of our Society.
You can have more information here:
Together with the Registry WP-Steering Committee Elect (Bodo Grimbacher, Germany – Isabella Quinti, Italy – Matthew Buckland, United Kingdom – Markus Seidel, Austria – Joris van Montfrans, The Netherlands) and Mrs. Jose Drabwell, IPOPI President, along with Gerhard Kindle, Stephan Rusch and a new informatician who recently joined the IT team in Freiburg University, the new Registry platform has now reached.
1. Information and resources are available here:
- New ESID Registry
- Diagnosis criteria
- Registry publications
- Studies
- Documents
- Steering Committee
- Documenting centers
- Old Registry
- ESID Database Statistics
- Informed patient consents
- Contact info
2. Papers using or highlighting the ESID Registry published since the previous NewsLetter:
- Milota T, Šumník Z, Obermannová B, Králíčková P, Vondrák K, Klocperk A, Kayserová J, Šedivá A; ESID Registry Working Party. Negativity for Specific Autoantibodies in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes That Developed on a Background of Common Variable Immunodeficiency. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2015;168(3):197-204. PubMed PMID: 26796963.
- Lugo Reyes SO, Ramirez-Vazquez G, Cruz Hernández A, Medina-Torres EA, Ramirez-Lopez AB, España-Cabrera C, Hernandez-Lopez CA, Yamazaki-Nakashimada MA, Espinosa-Rosales FJ, Espinosa-Padilla SE, Murata C. Clinical Features, Non-Infectious Manifestations and Survival Analysis of 161 Children with Primary Immunodeficiency in Mexico: A Single Center Experience Over two Decades. J Clin Immunol. 2016 Jan;36(1):56-65. PubMed PMID: 26707787.
- Schatorjé EJ, de Jong E, van Hout RW, García Vivas Y, de Vries E. The Challenge of Immunoglobulin-G Subclass Deficiency and Specific Polysaccharide Antibody Deficiency – a Dutch Pediatric Cohort Study. J Clin Immunol. 2016 Feb;36(2):141-8. PubMed PMID: 26846287.
Thank you to all contributors to the ESID Registry.
Looking forward to seeing you athe next ESID2106 biennial meeting in Barcelona.
Best wishes,
Nizar Mahlaoui
REGISTRY WP Chairman, on behalf of the ESID Registry WP Steering Committee.
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