by Joao Neves
Dear Friends and colleagues,
I have recently been elected as the chairperson of the ESID PID care in Development working party. Since its creation, more than 10 years ago, this WP has had clear goals: to equalize patient care all around Europe, in terms of access to proper diagnosis and treatment. We all agree that this has been a very difficult mission and we are very far from where we ought to be in terms of equality.
I think we have to rethink our strategy regarding this WP. First Things first, it is important that every country in Europe understands that they can rely on this WP, irrespective of their localization, development and needs. I do believe that different needs should be addressed to in different manners and every single country in Europe has its own needs. We should listen to these very carefully.
We have started to build a steering committee and already have managed to have members from many different countries, from West to Eastern Europe. Listening to them will be crucial to our guidance. The next months will be very important in terms of defining our priorities. We won’t forget that IPOPI and local patients´ organizations are also very important to help us address this.
I can’t finalize this newsletter without saying that, above all, education has to be the basis for our joint success.
With very best wishes,
João Farela Neves
Chairman Working Party PID care in Development