This section contains links to other national or disease-specific registries on PID.
Spanish national PID registry
The Spanish national registry for PID (REDIP) collects data independently of the ESID Database, but there is close collaboration and inclusion of Spanish data into the ESID Database on a regular basis.
German PID Registry
Like many other national registries, the German registry on PID uses the ESID Database for collecting its data.
UK PID Registry
The UK registry for PID collects data on a dedicated server in London, using the software of the ESID Database.
Italian Primary Immunodeficiency Network IPINET
The link to this site is now available with recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of PID in both English and Italian.
This is the international registry on autoinflammatory disorders. While this group of diseases is also classified as PID, the Eurofever Registry provides a more specific approach
to collect information on the clinical presentation, outcome and response to treatment of patients affected by the major autoinflammatory diseases.
Centre de Référence Déficits Immunitaires Héréditaires(CEREDIH)
CEREDIH runs the French National Registry for PIDs (except C1q Inh esterase def and Autoinflammatory syndromes) and fully contributes to the ESID registry since 2005. CEREDIH is also the platform for research (epdemiological and clinical studies), for networking among clinicians (both pediatricians and adults) and immunologists (diagnostic labs) and for guidelines (for clinicians and patients). Please see
German AID Registry
This is the German national registry on autoinflammatory disorders (AID). While this group of diseases is also classified as PID, the AID Registry provides a more specific approach. It also collaborates with the international Eurofever registry.
Iranian registry on PID
The Iranian PID registry is run independent of the ESID Database.