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Juniors Journal Club Session September 2023: Human RIPK3 deficiency in herpes simplex encephalitis

Speaker: Zhiyong Liu (US)

Zhiyong was trained as a biochemist and immunologist in China.  Then he joined Casanova Lab as a postdoc in 2019. His work mainly focuses on discovering new genetic determinants of childhood herpes simplex virus encephalitis (HSE), which is a rare and life-threatening neurological disease, and caused mainly by common virus HSV-1.

The publication of Zhiyong Liu is available on Science Immunology

Moderator: Selket Delafontaine (Belgium)

Selket is a pediatric resident in the University Hospital Leuven (Belgium) since 2017 and a PhD Student at the Laboratory for IEI at the KU Leuven (Belgium) since 2019. Her research focuses on the immunological and genetic characteristics of IEI underlying neuroinflammation in previously healthy children. Selket is an ESID junior country representative for Belgium.

Registrations for this session are now closed.

Dr. Antonio Marzollo

Chairperson WP Junior (2022-2026)