Currently recruiting!
Project description
GAIN is a network of physicians and scientists interested on collecting data on patients with multiorgan autoimmunity with and without immunodeficiency. The network started in Germany, this is why the dataset is called German multi-organ Auto Immunity Network (GAIN, )
GAIN website:
Publications from this study have been released in 2023!
Please refer to the ESID Registry Publication list for further details
Project lead is Prof. B. Grimbacher from the Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency in Freiburg, Germany ([email protected]).
Although the dataset and its corresponding data entry forms are developed in Freiburg at the CCI with funds of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant ID_01GM1910A), GAIN researchers wish to make this ESID level 2 dataset available for the documentation of patients with multi-organ autoimmunity available to all documenting centers at ESID.
You are invited to document your patients with this dataset.
Doing so, you have the possibility to participate in upcoming publications on this cohort of patients using this dataset.
For each analysis/publication, however, this needs your consent.
This level 2 project was approved by the ESID registry steering group and the ESID board.
For further questions please contact
the ESID project coordination:
[email protected] , Tel. +49 761 270 36961.
Here you can also register your center for the GAIN documentation.
or the project lead investigator:
Prof. B. Grimbacher
Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Germany