ESID 1st PID Care in Development School
Location: Hotel Academia, Zagreb, Croatia
Dates: September 15th-17th 2022
Aim of the school: This school is oriented to professionals in the need of expanding their knowledge on Primary Immunodeficiencies for their daily work, due to the absence of reference centers for PIDs in their surroundings.
Please, note the new deadline for applications is: 24th of May 2022!
Application requisites:
The school is open to all ESID Members. Priority will be given to applicants from European countries with less involvement in PIDs awareness.
Please, submit the following documents in a single PDF to [email protected] before 10th of May, 2022. Please, add the words “PID School application” and your name in the subject line of the email with which you send the documents. Applicants will receive an email confirming that the submission has been successful.
1) Motivation letter
2) CV including list of publications related with PID.
3) Clinical case (5 slides)
4) ESID Membership certificate
All applications will be reviewed and both selected and not-selected applicants will be notified within a month of the submission deadline. There is no fee for the participation and accommodation and meals are included but selected participants will have to cover their own travel expenses.
Faculty members:
João Farela Neves, MD, PhD (Primary Immunodeficiencies Unit, Hospital Dona Estefânia, Pediatric University Hospital, Lisbon, Portugal) – Chair of ESID PID in Development Working party, School Organizer
Clara Franco Jarava, PhD (Immunology Department, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona, Spain) – Chair of ESID Junior Working party, School Organizer
Despina Moshous, MD, PhD (Pediatric immunology, hematology and rheumatology Unit, Hospital Necker, Paris, France).
Yenan Bryceson, PhD (Center for Hematology and Regenerative Medicine, Karolinska Institut, Stockholm, Sweden).
Jadranka Kelečić, MD (Division of Allergology, Clinical Immunology, Respiratory Diseases and Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Branimir Anić, MD, PhD (Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Marko Barešić, MD (Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Local organisers:
Boris Karanović, MD (Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Darija Čubelić, MD (Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Center Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Programme is available here