The 21th Biennial Meeting of ESID will be held on the 16-19 October, 2024 in Marseille, France.
The overall theme of the ESID meeting 2024 is “Human Inborn Errors of Immunity: an expanding universe”.
We are delighted to present the Meeting Organising Committees, headed by the ESID Meeting 2024 President – Anne Puel, France.
Local Organising Committee:
- Brigitte Bader-Meunier, Paris, France
- Vincent Barlogis, Marseille, France
- Alexandre Belot, Lyon, France
- Vivien Béziat, Paris, France
- Stéphanie Boisson-Dupuis, Paris, France
- Jacinta Bustamante, Paris, France
- Jean-Laurent Casanova, Paris, France
- Marina Cavazzana, Paris, France
- Morgane Cheminant, Paris, France
- Jean-Pierre de Villartay, Paris, France
- Mikael Ebbo, Marseille, France
- Claire Fieschi, Paris, France
- Alain Fischer, Paris, France
- Olivier Hermine, Paris, France
- Eric Jeziorski, Montpellier, France
- Emmanuelle Jouanguy, Paris, France
- Anne-Sophie Korganow, Strasbourg, France
- Fanny Lanternier, Paris, France
- Sylvain Latour, Paris, France
- Guillaume Lefèvre, Lille, France
- Lazaro Lorenzo, Paris, France
- Nizar Mahlaoui, Paris, France
- Véronique Millet, Nurse represententative, Paris, France
- Despina Moushous, Paris, France
- Bénédicte Neven, Paris, France
- Eric Oksenhendler, Paris, France
- Marlène Pasquet Toulouse, France
- Isabelle Pellier, Angers, France
- Martine Pergent, Patient representative, Verdun, France
- Capucine Picard, Paris, France
- Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, Paris, France
- Nicolas Schleinitz, Marseille, France
- Fernando Sepulveda, Paris, France
- Jean-Louis Stephan, Saint-Etienne, France
- Caroline Thomas, Nantes, France
- Frédéric Vely, Marseille, France
- Eric Vivier, Marseille, France
International Organising Committee:
- Hamoud Al-Mousa, Saudi Arabia
- Deniz Ayvaz, Turkey
- Bertrand Boisson, USA
- Aziz Bousfiha, Morocco
- Petter Brodin, Sweden
- Fabio Candotti, Switzerland
- Yanick Crow, UK
- Carla Duff, INGID Chairperson, USA
- João Farela Neves, Portugal
- Clara Franco, Spain
- Jose Luis Franco, Colombia
- Eleonora Gambineri, Italy
- Elie Haddad, Canada
- Sophie Hambleton, UK
- Fabian Hauck, Germany
- Eystein S. Husebye, Norway
- László Maródi, Hungary
- Isabelle Meyts, Belgium, ESID Past President
- Trine Mogensen, Denmark
- Tomohiro Morio, Japan
- Luigi Notarangelo, USA
- Martine Pergent, IPOPI Chairperson, France
- Nima Rezai, Iran
- Sergio Rosenzweig, USA
- Anna Sediva, Czech Republic
- Raz Somech, Israel
- András N. Spaan, The Netherlands
- Helen Su, USA
- Stuart Tangye, Australia
- Holm Uhlig, UK
- Shen-Ying Zhang, USA
And, as always at ESID meetings, the invited faculty represents internationally renowned clinicians and scientists who will present and discuss significant and exciting developments in diagnostics, clinical management, genetics and immunobiology of inborn errors of immunity.
The meeting will contain keynote lectures, symposia, educational workshops, interactive sessions, poster presentations and meet-the-expert sessions of interest for both students and trainees as well as established clinicians and scientists.
The Meeting will be held at the Marseille Chanot Convention Centre, the major congress and exhibition venue in all the Provence area.
For more information, please visit the ESID 2024 Meeting website.