Clinical Working Party

May 2024: Immune Actinopathies: infections, autoimmunity and inflammation

Home/ Working Parties/ Clinical Working Party/ Grand Rounds 2021-2024/ May 2024: Immune Actinopathies: infections, autoimmunity and inflammation

Date: Tuesday May 21, 2024 (17:00 CEST)

Please register in advance of the session  here.

Topic: Immune Actinopathies: infections, autoimmunity and inflammation


Dr. Stefano Volpi will moderate this session.

Session topics and structure:
- Case report: GOSH
- WAS presented by Dr. Elizabeth Rivers, GOSH, UK
 - ARPC1B - focus on HSCT  presented by Dr. Stefano Giardino, Gaslini, Italy
- Novel actinopathies  presented by Dr. Kaan Botzug, Wien Austria
- Discussion and Q/A

The 2024 ESID Grand Rounds are supported by the Barcelona PID foundation:

"The Barcelona PID Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2014 by patients and healthcare professionals. We work to provide support and resources to patients with PID and their
families, to increase awareness of these rare diseases among non-immunologists and the general public, and to promote high-quality research in this field."