Juniors Working Party

ESID Juniors - Newsletter December 2016

Home/ Working Parties/ Juniors Working Party/ News/ ESID Juniors - Newsletter December 2016

by Peter Olbrich

Dear ESID Juniors and ESID community:

The last months have been very exciting! Thanks to many of you we were able to organize and enjoy many established, as well as new and innovative Junior activities.

We had an amazing representation during the ESID annual meeting in Barcelona with more than 300 Junior attendees. We organized quiet a number of events with the PID Fun Run, the ESID Best Talent Award, the ESID Junior Workshop “Interactive Cases-Expect the Unexpected” and last but not least the ESID Junior Networking Dinner at the beach.

Those events were a huge success and we have already started with the organization of similar formats for the ESID 2017. 

For the first time we had an ESID Junior interactive case session. This event was really great fun! The presenting Juniors (Shahrzad Bakhtiar, Jelena Rascon, Bianca Tesi and Sara Ciullini), the expert panel (Steve Holland, Austin Worth and Mikko Seppänen) and our outstanding moderator Ellie Haddad did an amazing job. We had a really good time and learned a lot in this 45-minute session. We will definitely repeat this format and all Juniors are welcome to participate and to submit their “mystery cases” for the next meeting.

In addition, we met for the first time with the recently announced ESID-Junior country representatives. Soon you will be add their contact and personal details of the current country representatives on our website.

The meeting with the country representatives was also the starting point to create two working groups tackling important Junior topics such as education and training.

A small group of ESID Junior Members, started in September to produce educational videos about PIDs and lab techniques. The aim of this project is to produce a very valuable educative material for Juniors interested in the field. At the time of this newsletter, the 3 first videos are currently in progress and will be completed very soon. You’ll be able to enjoy them on the e-learning platform in the next few months. If you’re interested to be part of the team, please contact Olivier Gilliaux ( ). There are no technical skills required!!!

The other topic we are currently working on is the adaptation of the ESID fellowships to the actual needs of the current ESID Junior generation. Therefore a short questionnaire was developed and sent to the ESID Juniors. The feedback was quiet interesting and soon we will present you a comprehensive summary. In addition we will discuss the results during the next board meeting in order to see how to optimize the fellowship opportunities for our community. We keep you posted on this!!

As I said: the last months and especially the Barcelona meeting were really intense but at the same time extremely rewarding. I would like to thank all of you for your help, enthusiasm, joy and commitment!

As usual I would like to invite everybody to participate! Don´t hesitate to approach me or your country representative with any suggestion, comment or idea you may have!

I am looking forward to hear from you!

