Education Working Party
Report – ESID Summer School 2011 in Barga, Tuscany, Italy
Home/ Working Parties/ Education Working Party/ Events/ Report – ESID Summer School 2011 in Barga, Tuscany, Italy
Dear ESID members,
We can look back upon another very succesfull ESID Summer School! Nine faculty members (Andrew Cant, Helen Chapel, Esther de Vries, Eleonora Gambineri, Steve Holland, Christine Kinnon, Mirjam van der Burg, Marta Rizzi & Klaus Warnatz) and 29 participants enjoyed a wonderful time at Il Ciocco Hotel & Resorts in Barga, Tuscany, Italy from September 28 to October 2, 2011. Unfortunately, 1 participant had to enter hospital unexpectedly on the day the Summer School started, and 2 faculty members had to be replaced due to personal reasons.
The participants were very satisfied with the program content, the level of interaction with and support from the faculty, the level of interaction with the group, and the overall organisation of the event. They graded the Summer School an average 4.8 out of 5! All participants intend to pursue their career in Immunodeficiency.
We started on Wednesday afternoon with an introduction by Esther de Vries on awareness, diagnosis and classification, and by Steve Holland on inflammation and innate/adaptive interaction. On Thursday, basic and clinical aspects of antibody deficiency were presented by Mirjam van der Burg, Klaus Warnatz, Esther de Vries and Helen Chapel, and molecular diagnosis was explained by Mirjam van der Burg in the late afternoon. On Friday, Christine Kinnon gave an update of the developments regarding gene therapy for PID, and Andrew Cant discussed T-cell, combined and other well-defined immunodeficiency syndromes, and Eleonora Gambineri presented disorders of immune disregulation. In the late afternoon, Helen Chapel and Andrew Cant presented immunoglobulin and SCT treatment modalities. On Saturday, Steve Holland discussed the defects in innate immunity, and Marta Rizzi updated everyone on ESID juniors activities. On Sunday, as well as on all the other days, participants presented their cases to the audience, and lively discussions always ensued.
The program was full, but their was also time for networking and relaxatation, during the early morning (breakfast, icy cold swimming pool), midday (lunch on the terrace) and evening (dinner and drinks). On Saturday afternoon, the whole party undertook a guided walk crossing the wooded mountain-side to the ancient little town of Barga, where we visited – among other things – the famous ‘Duomo’ that overlooks the Serchio valley. Saturday evening was spent at the Agriturismo I Cedri with wonderful Italian / Tuscan food and excellent live music. Despite the long days everyone still had enough energy to dance until midnight…
We hope to see all the participants again at future ESID activities, as active members in the field of PID!
’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, October 6, 2011,
Esther de Vries, Chair of the Educational Working Party
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All pictures of ESID Summer School now available!