Expressions of interest are invited for the Steering Committee of the ESID Clinical Working Party.
Deadline: Tuesday 5th January 2021
To apply please email me a CV and brief statement detailing the reasons for your interest
What is involved?
The role of the Steering group will be strategy, oversight and governance. The group will
- Develop a strategy for the CWP for the next 4 years
- Establish and direct a program for clinical guideline publication over the 4-year term
- Appoint working parties with designated leaders to perform specific projects
- Review all documents and manuscript produced by CWP working parties, prior to ESID Board approval
- Promote and support clinical research that is relevant to the ESID community
- Actively collaborate with ESID members and the other ESID working parties to support research and professional development
What will the time commitment be?
Steering group meetings will typically be held monthly for one hour, for oversight of ongoing work.
In between, group members will be expected to undertake any work for the group that they have agreed to, such as leading or supporting specific projects, reviewing documents and draft manuscripts, reaching out to stakeholders, or arranging seminars or conferences.
Please contact Siobhan Burns at [email protected]