Registry Working Party

ESID Registry - Newsletter July 2024

Home/ Working Parties/ Registry Working Party/ News and Events/ ESID Registry - Newsletter July 2024

Prof. Markus G. Seidel

Dear Colleagues and Friends of the ESID Registry,

It has been a while since I last communicated with you, but the silence does not reflect the high level of activities of the steering committee and myself “behind the curtains” that are going on in the registry working party. To avoid spam and keep communications brief, let me outline the content and see the details:

  1. OverhaulofthetechnicalplatformoftheESIDregistryandchangeofoperator
  2. Call for two study/survey participations with very tight deadlines (July 21st!), both offer offer study group collaborative coauthorship if succesful:

    a) LunginvolvementinIEI/PID AKMK3XWJ

    b) IEI/PIDRegistrylandscapeintheworld–yourexperience

  3. Listofrecentlycompletedstudiesandpublications
  4. Initiative of a 30 years anniversary paper of the ESID registry, current epidemiology, statistics, outcomes, and challenges
  5. Prolongation of the ESD registry – ERN-RITA (RITA registry) collaboration
  6. Miscellaneous

There will be follow up communication later this summer with templates for documents you may need regarding the technical platform change. With this I would like to whish everyone a great summer. May you all be happy and free from suffering! May you all be at peace!

Sincerely yours Markus Seidel

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