Juniors Working Party
ESID 2020 Juniors Workshop Call for Applications - Deadline Extended
Home/ Working Parties/ Juniors Working Party/ Events/ ESID 2020 Juniors Workshop Call for Applications - Deadline Extended
Time flies and ESID meeting 2020 is coming closer!
Due to the huge success and great feedback we have received throughout the last few years; we are now working on the fifth edition of the Juniors Workshop:“Pitfalls in PID. Expect the Unexpected” which will take place on FRIDAY 16th OCTOBER (see the latest version of the programme here).
In the last years we have not only had very interesting cases, great presentations, outstanding moderators, terrific expert panels but also exciting discussions that were generated around them.
If you are an ESID Junior member (*) we would like to invite you to send us an interesting case of inborn error of immunity** and have the opportunity to present and discuss your case with top experts’ panel during our interactive workshop!
Presenters of the selected cases will benefit from a FREE REGISTRATION (or reimbursement) to the ESID meeting 2020.
Submission instructions:
- Please submit a maximum of 5 slides summarizing the clinical case. Additionally, you can add an abstract (max. 300w) to include extra information that can be helpful in evaluating the case. You will count with only 13 minutes to present and discuss your case.
- Please email your slides to
- Deadline extended to: 15th June 2020
Selection criteria
All the presentations will be evaluated by three independent reviewers. Higher scores will be given to those cases where the final diagnosis and/or outcome are UNEXPECTED, considering the initial manifestations. Those cases rising a big discussion around laboratory results will also be highly scored (explaining pitfalls in the laboratory results that can be useful for the audience in their daily practice). The better the case is described (more data, confirmed pathogenicity of mutation identified..) the higher it will be scored.
Clara Franco (ESID Junior WP chair)
You can see HERE some examples from some of the cases that were presented last year.
We are very much looking forward to receiving your applications!
Clara Franco Jarava
Chair of ESID Junior’s Working Party
(*) Information on how to become a Junior ESID Member here.
(**)Tangye, S., Al-Herz, W., Bousfiha, A., Chatila, T., Cunningham-Rundles, C., Etzioni, A., Franco, J., Holland, S., Klein, C., Morio, T., Ochs, H., Oksenhendler, E., Picard, C., Puck, J., Torgerson, T., Casanova, J. and Sullivan, K., 2020. Human Inborn Errors of Immunity: 2019 Update on the Classification from the International Union of Immunological Societies Expert Committee. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 40(1), pp.24-64.