We would like to share with you an opportunity that can be of interest to you as Young Immunologists.
GenIA is a recently launched platform that aims at integrating multi-dimensional IEI information, including but not limited to genetic, phenotypic and functional data. The objective is to allocate and interconnect data from different patient-related layers (e.g. genetic, clinical, treatment, laboratory, familiar, functional) extracted from published literature.
You can access the platform here and browse to find your favourite gene and get all the information you need. You will see however that so far only 1315 diagnosed patients (plus their additional affected/unaffected family members) from ~150 manuscripts were imported (total of published individuals on a first set of 24 genes).
Their ambitious aim is to import in GenIA all data from the IEI literature. This implies inspection and data entry from approximately 5000/6000 manuscripts. Achieving these numbers, while keeping GenIADB free for non-profit institutions, is only possible through the involvement of as many curators as possible. Of note, GenIA also features forms to facilitate data entry, which allows all members of the IEI community to easily become curators in addition to being users.
What can be there for me as ESID Juniors?
You can become users of the platform, just by clicking here! Try it out!
If you are working on a specific gene (PhD? Research project? Challenging clinical case? Personal interest?), you can start entering data by becoming a GeniaDB Curator and get (benefits applicable if gene >= 50 published patients, or if all the published patients are entered in a gene with less than 50 cases reported):
1) Get help with data analysis and visualization, you could get graphs/figures for the curated gene in case you want to write a review. See an example here .
2) Your name will appear on GenIA’s website
3) Certificate of “GenIA curator” signed by GenIA advisory board
4) Opportunity to be included as co-author in our future GenIA-related publications.
5) You could have unlimited access to any data/dataset in GenIA for any gene, condition, variant, patient etc. GenIA can facilitate custom data exports in tabular format.
6) Gaining profound knowledge about the reviewed gene
7) You would probably read the literature and collect the cases anyway, why not make your work public for everyone!? No need to repeat what was already done!
If you want to become a GenIA curator, or you have any questions, please feel free to write to:

Michele Proietti (michele.proietti@uniklinik-freiburg.de)

Andres Caballero Garcia de Oteyza (andres.caballero@uniklinik-freiburg.de)